May 12, 2014

Mother's Day - Whole 30 Challenge - Day 15

I spent a beautiful Mother's Day in sunny Brooklyn with my father and step-mother and remembering my loving grandmother. The weather seems to have permanently turned and I took the warmth and crystal clear blue skies to be the embrace I've missed for almost 14 years.

I had another banana and another Lara bar for breakfast. Perhaps I should get back to the frittatas. I made a spicy tomato sauce with carrots and sausage for my parents. Mr. Crying Cook, my dad, and step-mom had their sauce over spaghetti. You know, like normal people. I had mine over raw zucchini. It was good, but I was hungry again very soon afterwards. I'm guessing the serving of sauce had little protein by way of the ground sausage, so I ate the portion I saved for tomorrow's lunch for tonight's dinner. I'll need to boil some eggs and get some vegetables together to have enough to eat at work tomorrow.

It's been awhile since I've done a pure HIIT routine and I had limited time to workout, so I did this HIIT Workout for Fat Loss. I still hate sidewinder mountain climbers.

Two points.

Apparently, Mr. Crying Cook picked an excellent red wine for lunch. I wouldn't know.

Since it's the start of a new week, we have a new lifestyle challenge: meditation. I've never actively meditated before. I tried to sit and focus on just my breath. It was incredibly hard, as what felt like a fourth of July fireworks show of thoughts and emotions came to mind. I paid attention to them, but it's hard to know how "successful" I was at meditating.

I have a very strong memory of riding in the back seat of my father's beige hatchback with my grandmother. When I was very little, she was always in the back with me. I can only guess that I requested it and she obliged. That's a good summary of how she took care of me. 

On longer rides, I'd get tired and she'd let her black leather purse be my pillow. She'd stroke my hair and created a safety only a child can know. It's impossible to thank someone for that. I look forward to creating that sense of security for my own children someday. 

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