May 27, 2013

Favorite Food Blogs

There are so many great blogs that make me want to learn more about cooking, tech, and lots of other random things. These are some of my favorite food-specific blogs. There's so much inspiration on the web. Check out these gems.

A Year of Slow Cooking: I've mentioned this blog a lot before. It started my obsession with my crock pot and inspired the baked oatmeal I make nearly every week. Stephanie O'Dea used her slow cooker everyday in 2008 and the blog lives on.

Simply So Good: This is a home cook living in Utah who takes beautiful pictures of her creations. Her blog inspired me to try no-knead bread.

Food Wishes: Chef John writes up all his recipes, but he also films a lot of them. Check out his YouTube channel if you're a visual learner like me.

The Kitchn: Pretty pictures got me again, but there's so much more to the Kitchn, including great explanations on how to use cooking tools and great housing-keeping and cleaning ideas.

Eater: If you live in New York City or are planning a trip, check out Eater. My husband introduced me to the site--it's less of a traditional blog and more of a full-fledged website.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your nice words and for featuring the slow cooking site. I have had so much fun with all of this, and am just so thankful that I can be of some help to you in some way.
    Thank you also for this list because now I have new-to-me blogs to check out!1
